Executive Coaching

Ondine is an executive coach in both the non-profit and corporate sectors. She excels in the areas of interpersonal communications and conflict resolution, change management and leadership development. Using a broad array of tools, including storytelling and the latest research in neuroscience, Ondine creates a safe environment to support her clients in building greater self-awareness, capacity and skillfulness as leaders and as teams up-leveling to unlock their greater potential.

Clients come to Ondine when:

  • In transition and need support around what is next, creating a new story.

  • Needing a thinking partner to identify a desired future and open up possibilities.

  • Ready to stretch into new skills and capacities as a leader.

  • Looking to build self-confidence, find their voice, and take a stand for what they care about.

  • Rebuilding trust and reputation repair.

  • Developing greater leadership skills and “executive presence.”

  • Seeking greater work-life balance and self-care.

  • Support around organizational re-brand.

  • Helping teams build trust quickly.

“Your words today got straight into my heart.  I am still in there. Thank you for leading such a deep and informative conversation today with the Directors Team. I thought it was great.”